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Full Moon in Sagittarius

Happy full moon everyone! Idk about y'all but I am definitely excited for this full moon because I will be going to a bonfire event and releasing some energy. Sorry to brag but I am really excited.

This Blog post featured the herb Calendula also known as the Marigold flower. It is commonly used for medicinal purposes such as to nourish and hydrate dry skin, and to aid skin wounds; said to strengthen the immune system. Calendula can be used for magical uses such as Good luck; gambling; success in court cases; inducing prophetic dreams; used ancestral offerings.

What is a Full Moon?

a full moon is a lunar phase when she appears fully brightened from the viewpoint of the earth.

spiritually the full moon is used for charging, cleansing, blessings, and blossoming celebratios. 

This is the perfect time to do some cord-cutting or setting intentions to manifest your desires. I highly recommend making some moon water so you can take a spiritual bath in it. Charge your crystals, make a Money Jar, pull some cards, and do a floor wash. There are several other ways to maximize the full potential she has but those are my personal favs.

What does the Full Moon mean in Sagittarius?

A full Moon in Sagittarius gives off a very optimistic energy and the ultimate push to us this time for releasing extra waste. Jupiter ruling Sagittarius may influence a need or feeling to travel and expand your mind a bit more. So if you have been procrastinating a mini vacation or going to that networking event/seminar this is your sign. This is the perfect time to learn a new divination system or to read that spiritual book you bought impulsively and haven't finished. Use her influence to be spontaneous and get out of your comfort zone take a chance and energize your inner child. You deserve it!

Elemental Horoscopes

Air Signs

I feel y'all have been in y'all heads lately concerning finances, not necessarily being broke but your money isn't how you want it to be or it, coming in inconsistently. I also feel some stagnant energy, if either scenario resonates I reccoment going outdoors and feeling breezy against your skin, hair, and toes. Be in your element and flow! Take advantage of her fullness and meditate to clear your mind and write out a list of all of the resources you have available. Write out a plan of how you can take action and take care of business. Also, write out a summer bucket list so that you can stop overthinking about everything you wanna do this summer. Excucute those plans, you got this!


“What I desire flows to me with ease”

Water Sign

I feel that some of you maybe feeling a spiritual block because you have been extremely busy and or just overall distracted by something that hurt you. Either way, you are in an indecisive block of stagnant energy. This is a sign to let go of whatever is holding you back. Visit the water outside or take a spiritual bath to tap in with your Ori(higher consciousness) either by meditation or just being present and still, to see what next steps do you need to move forward? If it's more so a feeling of being overwhelmed from working too much practice some stillness. To just be present and watch the sunset. Girl don't do too much and start Wildin on people because you're tired!


“ I move through this life with strength from my ancestors ”

Fire Signs

I feel that some need a little pep in your step to kick some shit off. It is either you don't know which way to go or you don't have enough resources to achieve what you want. If you feel comfortable and know how to properly do it, I highly recommend you do some candle magic to add a little spice to your life and bring in what you want. If you are not an expert at doing candle work it is okay just set your desire on fire. Simply write out what you want, fold it towards you, and set it on FIRE! please do not start a fire, I am not responsible lmao. Nah but also take this firey moon energy to network and expand your connections. Or stop overthinking and take advantage of the connection you already have and get that SHMONEY!


“The world and its many gifts and adventures were meant for me”

Earth Signs

I feel some of you all maybe feeling exhausted waiting for the things you desire to come to light. Or you also need a little juju to add some razzle dazzle to your manifestations. I highly recommend that you do a money jar and bury it in your backyard. Or if you wanna be spicy hurry it at a bank near you. If you are not familiar with doing money jars I recommend to just simply writing out what you want folding it toward you and sleeping with it under your pillow. It's all about the Asé! But I know what's like to feel unsteady and just waiting for a break. I feel you need to distract yourself a bit and go outside. Be in nature get your toes in some grass and hug a tree to get your mind off of things. Write a gratitude list as well, that always helps me whenever I am feeling down. But Money is coming!!!!


“ Everything Works Out for Me”

*i do not own copyrights to these photos *