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Summer Solstice & Full Moon in Capricorn

This blog post featured herb dandelion root. This herb is very special and significant because you can go outside right now and harvest it.

Dandelion Root also known as “Lion’s Tooth” is used spiritually for increasing communication with spirits; aids in the development of psychic gifts; and grants wishes.

The medicinal use this beautiful herb is used to alleviate stomach and liver ailments; known to be used as a coffee substitute. And to also cure vaginal infections like yeast infections.

Yes girls this is a healthy way to support your Yoni.

What is the Summer Solstice?

The Summer Solstice also known festival solarizes when one of Earth's poles has its full tilt toward the Sun. It happens twice yearly, once in each hemisphere. Spiritually the Summer Solstice welcomes in new energy and a call for a celebration. So expect a big reward for your manifestations.

Full Moon in Capricorn

Now we should already know what a Full Moon is and how it works. If you need a quick reminder make sure you visit my last blog post, “Full Moon in Sagittarius”.

Now what kind of energy is upon us with this Summer Solstice and the Full Moon?

Lets break it down…

Full Moon in Capricorn means that she is at her most organized. It's giving Boss Babe Vibez! She is bringing out a bit of pessimism and caution just because she is all about crossing her T’s and dotting her I’s. Her goals for the future are all on the table now so tends to family business and moves responsibly. Organize what is needed to tend to and stand on business because you may have to take charge. Set your boundaries and don't be afraid to make people uncomfortable. But be mindful because it's not what you say it's how you say it.

In conclusion, this Full Moon energy mixed with the summer solstice energy is giving Nails done, Hair done, and Everything Done!

Be about your business but also enjoy the fruits of your labor. Spoil yourself and get that money!

Elemental Horoscope

Earth Signs

Take your time my Sweethearts. Breathe in and Breathe Out! Enjoy the fruits of your labor. Yes, Work hard but also play hard. You have been putting in a lot of work to get to where you desire to be. And I see you, your ancestors also see you too. let loose and have some fun. Before you beat yourself up for what you think you “should have” been doing. take some time to smell the roses. pat yourself on the back and Give yourself a big warm hug. you have been doing your big one. Just love on you sometimes, my love.

Affirmation: The Universe guides wealth and success to me naturally.

Air Signs

Come out of your safe space and go outside. Walk around your neighborhood (or somewhere you feel safe) and feel the breeze on your knees, lol. I see you have been thinking about what you want to do but you don't know where to begin. Wait, before you do something impulsive that you don't really want to do. Write it out! Plan your next moves so that you can move with a little more intention. Sometimes taking a walk can help you organize your thoughts. I promise you, you are not alone. Challenge yourself a bit. Utilize your network and reach out to the people you know to get the job done.

Affirmation: I trust my abilities

Water Signs

It is time to put your money where your mouth is. Feel your feelings write them out or talk about them with someone you trust. Don't hold them in or ignore that little one inside that just wants to be seen. use your experience as a testimony, not a crutch. Be honest with yourself. You know what you have to release to move forward. Trust that little voice inside. Its your higher self. Listen to your spirit when it holds that mirror up to reflect you. Trust yourself. You have everything you need. you need a little motivation and faith. trust that you are going in the right direction.

Affirmation: What is meant for you will always find you

Fire Signs

Stand on business, that petty shit is below you. If you feel like you have to prove yourself then it's not for you. Listen to your heart and stand up for yourself. recognize you control the temperature so how you move, we move. Don't take advantage of your power and move irrationally. Use your fire for good and command your respect with elegance and grace. Diplomacy is your friend. You don't have to be passive-aggressive if you speak with honesty and integrity. trust those who are doing wrong will be checked accordingly without you having to move a finger. This can apply metaphorically or literally.

Affirmation: I am aligned with energies that heal my past & grow my future.

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