Spiritual Baths

Peace and Love you all it has been a minute since I sat down and wrote for this blog. I have been working hard and planting seeds to grow and flourish for my beautiful life. I am so grateful for the support I’ve received so much that I wanted to give you all a little gem. But before we get into the topic of this post let's discuss this post herb.

Hyssop is my favorite herb ever! I was first introduced to Hyssop at the beginning of my spiritual journey while listening to the A Little Juju podcast. The host suggested it when she talked about using spiritual baths. I took my butt to my local herbal store bought some and used it for a bath. And we have been locked in ever since.

Hyssop is also known as “Yssop” this herb is spiritually used for purification and cleansing; protection; spiritual healing. Hyssop is medicinally for digestion, coughing, and sore throats.

What is a Spiritual Bath?

The origins of spiritual baths are traced back to ancient times. Have you ever heard the saying, “cleanliness is next to godliness”?

Ritual baths or spiritual baths are used in many cultures and religions all over the world. This ritual is used for purification, abundance, and spiritual healing. Many cultures associated the use of water as a way to be closer to God.

A perfect example is water baptisms, which were inspired by Jewish practices during the Second Temple. People in Abrahamic religions get baptized to get closer to their God.

Like baptisms, spiritual baths are used primarily for purifying your soul to be in unison with your higher self or to attract something into your life.

There are many different kinds of spiritual baths. You can make a spiritual bath for prosperity, attraction, removing curses, protection, purification, etc. The list goes on.

Every bath has a very unique purpose to add value to your life. And to better assist you along your journey. I personally keep a brew of a protection bath in my refrigerator to use after I do readings. Or if I just need a little dazzle to pick up my spirit.

Spiritual Hygiene

Before I teach you all how to make your own bath I want to discuss the importance of your spiritual hygiene.

Spiritual hygiene is extremely important in the spiritual world because it keeps you grounded. Especially for those who do divination. In my experience as a diviner, a lot of my clients are experiencing so much chaos because they have poor spiritual hygiene habits. Doing shadow work and setting boundaries is only half of the work.  Maintaining great spiritual hygiene can not only protect you from low-vibration beings but can also help you preserve your energy as well. I highly recommend adding spiritual baths to your self-care routines especially if you are highly sensitive or empathic. It's so many ways to protect your peace but to me, this is the most important one.

Working with Herbs

I am not a licensed Herbalist but I do know a thing or two about working with herbs over the past few years.

Herbs are spirits and like every other living entity on Mother Earth, we have to treat them with respect. Always pray over your herbs and give thanks to them for allowing you to use their magic to aid you in your journey.

It is important to understand that every herb is different and has unique elemental property, energy, and linage. There is so much that goes into working with herbs, you want to be very intentional about how you go about it. And do your own research.

I personally always divine what herbs I use before making a spiritual bath either for myself or my clients. You can divine with coins, or pendulum, or ask your cards yes or no questions.

What works for me may not work for you. So take your time learning what herbs are for you and what herbs aren’t.

I advise people to be mindful when doing attraction or prosperity baths by checking in with themselves to see if they are doing this bath from a low vibrational place. Because then you will get what you asked for. So ask a professional for assistance or get a reading beforehand. Then do a purification/ cleansing bath to ensure you are attracting what aligns with you since you just cleansed your energy.

Preparing your Spiritual Bath

After you have decided on what herbs you need, now it's time to get to the juicy stuff!

If you are using dried herbs, boil them like you are making a tea in some water. Pray over the water and herbs to bless them. Keep your bath covered with a lid.

You may also use fresh herbs but to activate fresh herbs you have to pray over them.

I was told by an elder that using fresh herbs is the traditional way and your bath will be more potent. And I think it smells better.

Some also make spiritual foot baths, bath soaks, bath scrubs, and soaps for the same purpose as a spiritual bath. I feel it’s best to do what works best for you.

Once the brew comes to a boil let it cool off before storing or adding it to your bath.

Store your spiritual bath in a bottle or container of your choice and store it in your fridge.

Set the mood

You can do a cold spiritual bath or a warm spiritual bath. I highly advise using cold water if you are looking to remove some heavy energy. I typically do cold after a shower and then just pour it over my head. And when it's warm I'll take a bath. But In my experience, they are both effective. 

Keep in mind that Cold is good for calming, cooling, and refreshing things. Hot is good for speeding up, activating, and strengthening. Using elements in your practice is very important.

Make sure you cleanse your bathroom before your spiritual bath. Spiritually and literally, lol. Dress your bathroom with candles, incense, crystals etc. Be intentional with the colors and scents so that everything aligns with what you are looking to bring in.

If you wanna use flowers be my guess. I just like to keep my clean-up to a minimum. Play some music with good vibes! I like to play Orisha music while doing spiritual baths or music that aligns with what I am calling in.

Bathe before your spiritual bath. I like to bathe with African Black soap because it can be used with the intention of spiritual cleansing and removing hexes.

If you are taking a shower after you cleanse yourself then you'll pray over your bath and then pour the spiritual bath over your head. Do not do this if the water is too hot!

If you are bathing in your spiritual bath you would pour it into your bath and pray over the water before you get into it. I bathe in the water with my black soap and soak my entire body for at least 30 minutes. I make sure to get the spiritual bath in my hair on my face. To cleanse my crown and third eye.

While you are praying and or cleansing set intentions and say aloud that you are removing whatever energy that no longer serves you down the drain.

When you are finish you will clean your tub with salt. I highly recommend to not pour the herbs in to your tub because it can clog your pipes. I personally store my bath in a way where there is barely any herbs in the brew. I have seen people use reusable tea bags too.

If you pour a cool bath over your head air dry and then wrap your head in all white and sleep in all white. All white clothing signifies purity, healing, positive energy, and fresh beginnings.

Then you seal your energy with some Shea or coco butter and or body oils of your liking.

Please be mindful when doing any spiritual workings and do it from a place in your best interest. And not to harm others because what goes around always comes back around. Enjoy your bath!

Here are some herbs I like to use in my baths…

Protection - lavender, hyssop, rue

Money - basil, cloves, allspice

Love - rose, hibiscus, chamomile


Summer Solstice & Full Moon in Capricorn