Scorpio Full Moon

Featured Herb for this Post

Today's Full moon is feeling like the Hibiscus herb also known as “Rose Mallow”.

Hibiscus is Spiritually used for Invoking lust, passion, and romance; love drawing; and enhancing divination.

Hibiscus's medicinal purposes are to ease the flu, and cold symptoms; also said to heal skin wounds.

For those who may already know I used to do live readings for the full moon and new moon. I wanted to transition into something more engaging and educational so that people can support themselves during this moon phase.

So in this post, I will tell you about this full moon and its significance in Scorpio and how it will affect your element.

What is a full moon?

A full moon is a lunar phase when she appears fully brightened from the viewpoint of the Earth.

Spiritually the full moon is used for charging, cleansing, blessings, and blossoming celebration.

There is a common misconception that the full moon is only for releasing things that you feel are spiritually, physically, or mentally holding you back. That is partially false, the full moon maximizes any intention with just a little more oomph lol. Therefore you can use her energy to let shit go or you can use it to manifest things too. Remember the full moon is just the new moon just amplified.

What does the full moon mean in Scorpio?

When our it girl is in Scorpio some say she is the most intense sign.

She makes us feel passion, joy, jealousy, betrayal, love, and desire as our emotions deepen to the point of obsession.

Be very transparent in this moment as some may question your intentions regarding how you are moving.

Take this time to do research and learn more about a topic you have taken an interest in.

And surrender you're self to the intimate energy in the air. With some sexual healing.

Water Signs

If you have not been on your self-care regime and have been ignoring your inner voice because you have been overworking Or distracted. You may find yourself feeling all bubbly and mushy inside. Take this time to love yourself and do some affirmations more specifically to assist with your self-care. If you have been spending more time alone because you are single take some time to get to know your body. I see some of you may benefit from some sex magic.


I see my beauty inside and out

I speak confidence over myself

I feel sexy in my body

I feel as beautiful as I am

Earth Signs

Don't distract yourself in this moment or overindulge and something that happened last week. Be in the moment, my love. Take this time to listen to your favorite artist. And go on a walk in nature. Or take yourself out on a date you never know who you will run into. Do you do something fun and engaging to get your mind off of what's holding you down? I promise things will get better but you have to shift gears.


I feel creative in every moment

I trust my process

I trust my intuition

I speak abundance over me

Fire sign

I see some of you may be running away from some shadow work. Especially if you have been feeling some jealousy in your spirit or have been comparing yourself to others. Take this time to reflect on where these emotions are coming from. What happened in your past that led you to feel inadequate or unworthy? Was it a lack of financial resources or not enough emotional validation from your parents? Dig deep and why you are struggling with trusting yourself in this moment. Because comparing yourself to others comes from a lack of confidence in yourself.


I understand my purpose and have faith in my destiny

I love my life

I trust my decisions

I am grateful for the simple joys and blessings in my life.

Air Signs

I see some air signs might be distracting themselves with a new love interest. That's fine as long as you won't beat yourself up for it. Ask yourself do I really like this person or am I bored right now? And if that doesn't apply to you knock yourself out and live your best life. Also, take this time to finish that creative project you've been working on or thinking about. You have everything you need you're just not motivated enough. If you're struggling with focusing get some incense and try meditating to clear your mind. Or try journaling to empty your mind and see your thoughts in front of you.


Feelings are not facts

I am safe and centered even in times of uncertainty

I feel grounded in the present moment

I see my wisdom and power

* i don’t own copyright to these photos*


Full Moon in Sagittarius


Stop enabling Yourself!